

If you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to restore your smile and improve your oral health, then you've come to the right place. Dental bridges are a popular solution that can bridge the gap between missing teeth with natural-looking replacements. A dental bridge is a prosthetic device used to replace missing teeth. It consists of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, which are anchored in place by dental crowns that are placed on the natural teeth adjacent to the gap. Essentially, a dental bridge "bridges" the empty space left by missing teeth.

These bridges can be made from various materials such as porcelain, metal alloys, or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on factors like durability and aesthetics.

Types of Dental Bridges

When it comes to dental bridges, there are several types available to suit different needs. One common type is the traditional bridge, also known as a fixed bridge. This type of bridge consists of artificial teeth that are held in place by dental crowns on either side.

Another type is the cantilever bridge, which is used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth. This design allows for support from just one side.

A Maryland bridge may be recommended for patients who have a gap between their natural teeth. This type of bridge uses metal or porcelain wings that are bonded to the backside of adjacent teeth, creating support for the artificial tooth.

In some cases, an implant-supported bridge may be necessary. This involves placing dental implants into the jawbone and attaching the artificial teeth to them for added stability and durability.

Each type of dental bridge has its own advantages and considerations depending on factors such as oral health conditions and personal preferences. It's important to consult with your dentist to determine which option is best suited for you.

The Process of Having a Bridge Installed 

The process of having a dental bridge installed is a fairly straightforward procedure that can help restore your smile and improve your oral health.

First, the dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and gums to determine if you are a candidate for a dental bridge. They will also take X-rays or impressions of your mouth to create an accurate model for the bridge. Next, any decayed or damaged teeth that will support the bridge may need to be prepared by removing some enamel. This allows enough space for the crowns that will hold the bridge in place. Once this is done, an impression of your teeth is taken so that a custom-made bridge can be fabricated in a dental laboratory. In the meantime, you may be fitted with a temporary bridge to protect your exposed teeth and gums. When the permanent bridge is ready, it is carefully placed and adjusted for fit and comfort. The dentist may make minor adjustments as needed before cementing it permanently into place.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

  • One of the key benefits of dental bridges is that they can restore your smile and boost your self-confidence. Missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, but a bridge can fill in those gaps and give you a natural-looking smile.
  • Not only do dental bridges improve aesthetics, but they also help to maintain the structure of your face. When you have missing teeth, it can cause your facial muscles to sag, making you look older than you actually are. By filling in those gaps with a bridge, you can help support the shape of your face and maintain a more youthful appearance.
  • In addition to enhancing your smile and facial structure, dental bridges also improve functionality. They allow for better chewing and speaking abilities by restoring proper alignment and balance in the mouth. This means that eating becomes easier and more enjoyable without having to worry about discomfort or difficulty.
  • Another advantage of dental bridges is their durability. With proper care and maintenance, a well-fitted bridge can last for many years. This makes them an excellent long-term solution for replacing missing teeth.
  • Furthermore, dental bridges offer convenience compared to other tooth replacement options like dentures or implants. Unlike removable dentures that need regular cleaning or implants that require surgery, bridges are fixed in place using adjacent healthy teeth as anchors.

For more details or to schedule a consultation at About Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, call the dentist in Austin, TX, or the dentist in Round Rock, TX, at 512-444-5577.


4630 Westgate Blvd, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78745

Phone: (512) 444-5577


  • MON - THU: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  • FRI: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • SAT - SUN: Closed
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3701 Gattis School Rd. Ste 101, Round Rock TX 78664

Phone: (512) 444-5577


  • MON - THU: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRI: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • SAT - SUN: Closed
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